UK Lockdown dental habits revealed

We surveyed adults across the UK to understand how the Covid-19 pandemic has influenced their dental habits and below are some of our key findings.

*Surveys were anonymously completed and results are not based on Portman practice patients. All Portman practices opened on 8th June 2020 as soon as the Cheif Dental Officer permitted dental practices to re-open and have been equipped with industry-leading safety measures.

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    Of those surveyed, we found that:

    54% had a dentist appointment cancelled.

    24% had a dental hygienist appointment cancelled.

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    The results also showed that one in five of us (19%) have actually brushed our teeth more since March 2020.

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    With 14% of us choosing to floss more regularly.

    And 21% of us using mouthwash more frequently.

    Londoners made the biggest changes with 20% flossing more and 27% using more mouthwash.

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    Interestingly, 24% of us admitted to forgetting to brush our teeth from time to time with working from home and furlough changing our habits.  


    For further advice on how to keep your dental health in the best possible condition and how doing so can also help other parts of our bodies. Click here to find out more

      Portman Dental Care and Dentex Health have merged to form PortmanDentex. To find out more about our new brand