This year in the UK, around 8,864 people will be given the news that they have mouth cancer. That’s more than ovarian cancer and testicular cancer combined. The number of people getting mouth cancer has more than doubled (103%) in the last 20 years. But as dental professionals, we can work together to raise awareness of this terrible disease, and help combat mouth cancer in the UK. 

      At Portman Dental Care, we are committed to supporting the health of our patients and have seen firsthand the impact that this disease can have. The good news is, early diagnosis can lead to increased survival rates and a few lifestyle changes that may help reduce the risk. Working together with our patients, we can raise awareness and help fight mouth cancer.

      Supporting Mouth Cancer Action Month

      This year in the UK, around 8,700 people will be given the news that they have mouth cancer.  As dental professionals, we can work together to raise awareness of this terrible disease, and help combat mouth cancer in the UK. 

      The good news is, early diagnosis can lead to increased survival rates and a few lifestyle changes that may help reduce the risk. Working together with our patients, we can raise awareness and help fight mouth cancer. 

        Checking for signs and symptoms of mouth cancer at home

        In this video we take a look at how to check for the signs and symptoms of mouth cancer at home. If you have cause for concern your clinician may ask you to send a photograph. 

          If you think you may be experiencing symptoms of mouth cancer, please do not hesitate to contact your local Portman Dental Care practice for a consultation.

            Mouth Cancer checks

            Dentists play an important role in the detection of mouth cancer. During regular dental check-ups, your dentist isn’t just looking at your teeth, they will also look for the signs and symptoms of mouth cancer, and other issues such as gum disease.

            Due a dental check up? Find your local Portman Dental Care practice.

              Spot the signs & symptoms

              Spot the signs and symptoms of Mouth Cancer early. Download our Mouth Cancer Action infographic to learn more about what to look out for, and the lifestyle changes you can make to help reduce the risk of mouth cancer.

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                  Check out our Mouth Cancer awareness blog

                  At Portman Dental Care, the quality and care of our patients is at the forefront of everything we do, which is why we are taking this opportunity to work with the Oral Health Foundation (OHF) to raise awareness of what mouth cancer is, signs, symptoms and treatment options.

                    Portman Dental Care and Dentex Health have merged to form PortmanDentex. To find out more about our new brand